Cash is now six weeks old!! He is weighing in at 1o pounds 5 oz and 24 inches!! We have started to call him "tankzilla" It seems just like yesterday that we had our little man. He is happy and healthy. His tear ducts are the only thing that are giving him a problem, we have to massage them everytime he eats so his eyes stay free of eye goobies. Cash is looking more and more like Dave, which makes me fall in love with him everytime I see him. Cash was having a hard time sleeping in his bed for naps, but slowly he is coming around. It is to hard for me to lay him down when he is asleep in my arms, just look how peaceful he is, you wouldn't want to let him go either!
Before and After Tree Removal
4 weeks ago
Oh Michelle your kids are just too cute!! Looks like you are adjusting to 2 YAY! I'm sure your a perfect mommy :) Hope things are well!